K: You can do anything you please, Roudlph. But you have very little time to do it in.
R: You mean you’re actually going to kill me?
K: I mean just that.
R: Well, go ahead.
K: I’ll do this my own way. [pause] Look, you already know my purpose in being here. Now you will either give me my information, or I will kill you. You have until 9 o’clock.
R: You won’t do it.. You can’t pull the trigger. You can’t pull it because you love me. It takes a very brave and a very cold woman to do that, Katherine, I don’t think you can. Isn’t that true? Isn’t that why you’re waiting?
K: That’s not true!
R: ..Or is it that you want to watch your victim? You want my heart to constrict with agony, my hands to shake. You want me to plead for my life, so you can make a generous gesture and spare me. Inhale Sorry, Katherine. I don’t seem to be in the mood for prayers tonight.
K: You don’t think I’ll do it! That’s why you’re so brave..! You don’t think I’ll do it. You wouldn’t be so brave otherwise! You’re a coward at heart. You lied to me! You decieved me!
R: You tried to decieve me.
K: I’m tired of listening to you!
R: You gave me your heart, you know? You’d like me to hand it back, whole again. But I won’t. You’ll live a long time yet Katherine, an eternity without me. You will look into the faces of passersby, hoping for something that will.. For an instant… Bring me back to you. You will find moon at night, strangely empty because, when you call my name through them there will be no answer. Always your heart will be aching for me, and your mind will give you the doubtful consolation that you did, a ‘Brave thing’.
K: You dare to talk of bravery!?
R: What else do we have to talk about, Katherine? For me there will never be another woman but you. But for my heart, there is another love that must come before you. My COUNTRY. You’re so still… Your face is like Ice… What are you thinking, Katherine?
K: What does anything you can say matter? You betrayed me with words.. What gooder words than your heart is breaking? If I fail now, I should deserve to die. You tricked me into loving you-
R: Aren’t you forgetting that you came here for the same purpose!?
K: I couldn’t of betrayed you! I tried to tell you, you said you already knew. I was as honest as I knew how to be!
R: You think I wanted to love you, knowing where you came from and what your mission was!? Don’t you suppose that every hour we were together, I was thinking, “She’s just pretending”!?
R: And I loved you so much I LET YOU PRETEND… Because, you brought something to my days I couldn’t stand the thought of losing. Listen to your heart Katherine. Feel it pounding.
K: Your time is up.
R: In my last words… I love you katherine.
R: I…! Love you, Katherine…
K: Oh god…
4 min read
Dangerously Yours